
Mojácar prepares its special transport service for the Night of the Candles




Next Saturday 21st of September, one of the most anticipated events of the year will return to Mojácar: the Night of the Candles.

Mojácar village will turn off the lights and be illuminated by thousands of candles, which will form routes through its streets. The beauty of one of the Most Beautiful Villages in Spain will be enhanced on this magical night, where live piano, violin and guitar music will surprise visitors in various locations in the village.

Given the high hotel occupancy and the popularity of the event, Mojácar Council has organized a special transport service to facilitate transfers between the village and the beach. This service, which will begin operating at 7pm and will run until 3.15am (last return bus), will have 20 buses spread over several lines. The buses will be designed to offer fast and comfortable transfers, ensuring that all those attending can enjoy the event without complications.

Special round-trip tickets for urban transport during the Night of the Candles will be available for advance purchase at the Mojácar Tourist Office and at the CEPSA petrol station. In addition, on the day of the event, four ticket booths will be set up at the main stops: Avenida París in the village, Montemar Commercial Centre (Post Office), Playa del Lance Nuevo beach (in front of Pueblo Indalo) and Playa Marina de la Torre beach. These booths will allow visitors to purchase their round-trip tickets a few hours before and during the evening of the event.

The price of the round-trip ticket will be €3 and it will be valid for the transfer to the village from any stop on the beach and for the return using any of the fast lines set up for the occasion. In addition, the different stops on Avenida de Encamp will be signposted to allow for the choice of the most convenient transport line, ensuring a quick and comfortable transfer.

As usual, the taxi service will also be reinforced for the Night of the Candles. Visitors can request a taxi by calling the LEVANTE TAXI CENTRE on 950 888 111.

Mojácar Council strongly recommends that visitors leave their private vehicles in the coastal area to avoid parking problems and to enjoy the event more comfortably. With the reinforcement of public transport and the taxi service, those attending will be able to move easily between the village and the beach without concerns.

The Night of the Candles in Mojácar promises to be an unforgettable experience, full of magic, culture and entertainment. We invite everyone to join this unique celebration and experience a magical night in one of the most charming destinations in Spain.